Podcast: Juan Coronado from Mijenta Tequila

Podcast: Juan Coronado from Mijenta Tequila

Juan Coronado hopes his love for the red soil where the Agave grows and the community around it, comes through every drop of his new Tequila, Mijenta.

While it might seem that tequila is one of the more fashionable spirits on the market right now, it is a liquid steeped in history, tradition and culture. It is made from plants that take decades to mature, and it is processed in ways that have not changed for hundreds of years.

At Mijenta, we want to ensure that the artisanal nature of tequila is not lost. To discuss this and more, our co-founder Juan Coronado, talked to Cocktails Distilled about sustainability, community and creating a unique artisanal spirit.

We invite you to enjoy a delicious sip of Mijenta, lean back, and tune in for the podcast.

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